

I specialise in the use and development of global, national and sectoral energy models for the analysis of decarbonisation strategies and transition risk assessments. I currently provide advisory and modelling services at Transition Modelling Lab, Carbon Risk and Transition Maps.

My experience in the energy sector encompasses roles in industry, consultancy and academia. In industry and consultancy, I have worked for Schlumberger, UK National Nuclear Laboratory, AEA Technology, Cervest and Baringa. In academia, I was a Senior Research Fellow in Energy Systems Modelling at University College London for nearly a decade. Over the past fifteen years, I have developed models and generated scenarios to inform the climate strategies of the British government, the European Union and Mexico. Most recently I led the energy systems modelling activities for the Mexican government’s forthcoming National Climate Change Strategy (ENCC) update. As a consultant, I’ve done modelling-related work for the International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Danish Energy Agency, BlackRock and HSBC among many others. I have presented my work at the most reputable energy modelling forums, including the International Energy Workshop, Stanford Energy Modelling Forum, International Association of Energy Economists and International Energy Agency – ETSAP. I have contributed to more than 30 publications, including book chapters, scientific journal articles and consultancy reports.

I hold degrees in Engineering Physics, Industrial Systems and Operations Research from ITESM, University of Cambridge and University of Edinburgh. He has also studied Climate Change related Financial Risks at Oxford University.


I specialise in the use and development of global, national and sectoral energy models for the analysis of decarbonisation strategies and transition risk assessments. I currently provide advisory and modelling services at Transition Modelling Lab and Transition Maps.

My experience in the energy sector encompasses roles in industry, consultancy and academia. In industry and consultancy, I have worked for Schlumberger, UK National Nuclear Laboratory, AEA Technology, Cervest and Baringa. In academia, I was a Senior Research Fellow in Energy Systems Modelling at University College London for nearly a decade. Over the past fifteen years, I have developed models and generated scenarios to inform the climate strategies of the British government, the European Union and Mexico. Most recently I led the energy systems modelling activities for the Mexican government’s forthcoming National Climate Change Strategy (ENCC) update. As a consultant, I’ve done modelling-related work for the International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Danish Energy Agency, BlackRock and HSBC among many others. I have presented my work at the most reputable energy modelling forums, including the International Energy Workshop, Stanford Energy Modelling Forum, International Association of Energy Economists and International Energy Agency – ETSAP. I have contributed to more than 30 publications, including book chapters, scientific journal articles and consultancy reports.

I hold degrees in Engineering Physics, Industrial Systems and Operations Research from ITESM, University of Cambridge and University of Edinburgh. I have also studied Climate Change related Financial Risks at Oxford University.


Work history

Transition Modelling Lab


I lead an advisory firm specialized in energy systems modelling and analytics focused on Mexico’s low-carbon transition.

Transition Maps

Head of Energy Systems Modelling

I lead a modelling firm specialized in tailoring robust decarbonization strategies for companies.

Danish Energy Agency

Energy Systems Modelling Lead

I led the energy systems modelling activities that underpin Mexico’s climate strategy update, using a TIMES model that I developed for Mexico’s Secretariat of Energy.


Energy Systems Modelling Expert

I worked at Baringa on the development of BlackRock’s global transition model to enhance its capabilities. This model is central to BlackRock’s world-leading methodology to assess climate-related risks at asset level.


Transtion Risk Modelling Lead

I led the technical development of Cervest’s methodology to quantify transition risks, including regulatory, market and technology risks at company and asset levels.

University College London

Senior Research Fellow in Energy Systems Modelling

At UCL Energy Institute I developed TIMES MXR, a multi-regional energy systems model for Mexico’s Ministry of Energy (SENER) and ETM-UCL, an energy systems model of the EU. I used both models to study the implications of different long-term decarbonisation strategies.

I also carried out energy systems research involving the use of UK TIMES and TIAM-UCL (a global integrated assessment model) to explore decarbonisation pathways for the power sector, transport, industry and buildings.

I also used this global model together with O&G market models to quantify transition risks for oil and gas producers in Latin America.

AEA Technology

Modelling Consultant

Delivered modelling support on UK Government and EU energy and climate change programmes. I led the modelling activities for the UK Market Transformation Programme, supporting UK government policy on sustainable energy using products.

UK National Nuclear Laboratory

Operations Research Consultant

I developed simulation models to assess the performance of various nuclear waste management facilities in the UK.


Senior Field Engineer

I worked in operations management in marine and land seismic acquisition projects ranging from 1 to 10 million USD, from small-sized crews to over 1,000 workers (Mexico, US, Chad, Argentina)

Selected publications

INECC et al. Evaluación de Estrategias de Descarbonización para la Actualización de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático de México (2024).

Solano-Rodriguez, B. Modelación de escenarios al 2050 mediante el modelo multirregional del sistema energético Mexicano TIMES MX-Regional (2023). Proyecto de actualización de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático de México en colaboración con INECC y la Agencia Danesa de Energía.

Welsby, D., Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pye, S., Vogt-Schilb, A. “High and Dry: Stranded Natural Gas Reserves and Fiscal Revenues in Latin America and the Caribbean”. Inter-American Development Bank (2022). gas-reserves-and-fiscal-revenues-latin-america-and-caribbean

Romanello, M. et al. The 2021 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: code red for a healthy future.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pye, S., Li, P., Ekins, P., Manzano, O., Vogt-Schilb, A. “Implications of Climate Targets on Oil Production and Fiscal Revenues in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Energy and Climate Change, 2021.

Sarmiento, L., Molar-Cruz, A., Avraam, C., Brown, M., Rosellon, J., Siddiqui, S., Solano-Rodriguez, B. Mexico and US power systems under variations in natural gas prices. EMF-34. Energy Policy, 2021

Lowe, R., Chiu, L., Pye, S., Cassarino-Gallo, T., Scamman, D., Solano-Rodriguez, B. Lost generation: Reflections on resilience and flexibility from an energy system architecture perspective. Applied Energy, 2021.

Scamman, D., Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pye, S., Chiu, L., Smith, A., Cassarino-Gallo, T., Barret, M. Lowe, R. Heat Decarbonisation Modelling Approaches in the UK: An Energy System Architecture Perspective. Energies, 2020.

Pye, S. et al. The TIAM-UCL Model (Version 4.1.1) Documentation, 2020.

Solano-Rodriguez, B. Modelación de escenarios del sector transporte mediante el modelo multi-regional del sistema energético Mexicano TIMES MX-Regional. Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, 2020.

Butnar I., Broad O., Solano Rodriguez B., Dodds P. The role of bioenergy for global deep decarbonization: CO2 removal or low carbon energy? GCB Bioenergy. 2020;12:198–212.

Giannakidis G., K. Karlsson, M. Labriet, B. Ó Gallachóir (eds.). Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2°C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development. Springer, Lecture Notes in Energy, in press. 2018. Book chapter: Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pizarro A., Martin-del-Campo, C., Vaillancourt, K. Mexico’s transition to a net-zero emissions energy system – near term implications of long term stringent climate targets.

Chris Bataille, Max Åhman, Karsten Neuhoff, Lars Nilsson , Manfred Fischedick, Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Baltazar Solano-Rodriguez, Amandine Denis-Ryan, Henri Waisman, Oliver Sartor, Shahrzad Rahbar. Technology and policy options for making heavy industry products consistent with 1.5-2°C compatible deep decarbonization pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018.

McDowall, W., Solano-Rodriguez, B., Usubiaga, A., Acosta-Fernandez, J. Is the optimal decarbonisation pathway influenced by indirect emissions? Incorporating indirect life-cycle emissions into a European TIMES model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.

McCollum, D.L., C. Wilson, M. Bevione, S. Carrara, O.Y. Edelenbosch, J. Emmerling, C. Guivarch, P. Karkatsoulis, I. Keppo, V. Krey, Z. Lin, E. Ó Broin, L. Paroussos, H.Pettifor, K. Ramea, K. Riahi, F. Sano, B.Solano-Rodriguez, and D.P. van Vuuren. The role of consumer preferences and climate policies in shaping the global private vehicle market. Nature Energy, 2018.

Solano-Rodriguez, B. Documentación del modelo TIMES MX-Regional (TMXR). 2017.

Solano-Rodriguez, B. Impacto de políticas climáticas globales y nacionales en el sistema eléctrico Mexicano. CIEMAT, Serie Ponencias. Perspectivas de Sustentabilidad en Mexico, 2017.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Drummond, P., Ekins, P. Decarbonising the EU Energy System: An important role for BECCS. Climate Policy, 2016.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pye, S. Overview of the European TIMES model (ETM-UCL). 2015.

Hawkes, A., Narkeviciute, R., Morris, S., Solano Rodriguez, B. DECC Pathways to 2050 – Detailed Analyses: UK MARKAL Model Review and Scenarios for DECC’s 4th Carbon Budget Evidence Base. 2011.

Hawkes, A. et al. Decarbonising the EU Residential Energy Market to 2050. AEA Technology, 2011.

Mistry, P., Procter, C., Narkeviciute, R., Webb, J., Wilson, L., Metcalfe, P., Twining, S., Solano Rodriguez, B. Implementation of Anaerobic Digestion in England &Wales: Balancing optimal outputs with minimal environmental impacts – Impact of using purpose grown crops. 2011.

Selected conferences and speaking engagements

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pye, S., Li, Pei-Hao, Vogt-Schilb, A. The macro-economic implications of reduced revenues from gas in Latin America and the Caribbean countries under emerging climate policy. Latin American Energy Economics Conference, Buenos Aires, 2019.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pye, S., Li, Pei-Hao, Vogt-Schilb, A. Using DMDU methods to assess the prospects for public revenues from oil in Latin American and Caribbean countries under emerging climate policy. Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty Conference, Los Angeles, 2018.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pye, S. Assessing the prospects for public revenues from oil in Latin American and Caribbean countries under emerging climate policy. International Fossil Fuels and Climate Policy, University of Oxford, 2018.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Pizarro, A., Martin-del-Campo, C. Potential for gas-based stranded assets in Mexico’s transition to a low carbon power sector. International Energy Workshop, Gothenburg, 2018.

Deep Decarbonisation Pathways in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mexico City, 2018.

Solano-Rodriguez, B. Introduction to TIMES MX-Regional. Stanford Energy Modelling Forum – study on North America (EMF-34), Washington DC, 2017.

Decarbonising the Yucatan region of Mexico. Merida, 2017.

Solano-Rodriguez, B. TIMES MX-Regional and policy applications. DEMEX, Modeller workshop, Mexico City, 2017.

Mexico’s President high-level roundtable on building a sustainable energy economy in the UK and Mexico. Aberdeen, 2015.

Prince Charles’ high-level roundtable on Mexico’s energy future within the context of climate change. Campeche, 2014.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., McGlade, C. Long-term European strategies to enhance gas supply security. International Association of Energy Economists (IAEE), Rome, 2014.

Solano-Rodriguez, B. Cost-effectively meeting EU’s 2030 climate and energy targets. London Energy Systems Conference, 2014.

Solano-Rodriguez, B. Development of a European TIMES model. International Energy Agency – ETSAP, Seoul, 2013.

Solano-Rodriguez, B., Anandarajah, G., Strachan, N. Long-term dynamics of EU decarbonisation without nuclear. International Association of Energy Economists (IAEE), Dusseldorf, 2013.

Energy modelling training for the Brasilian government. Rio de Janeiro, 2012.

International Energy Agency – ETSAP annual reunion, attending as representative of the UK government. Athens, 2011.

International workshop on modelling approaches to simulate policies on energy related products within the buildings’ sector (attended as organiser of the workshop and lead modeller of the UK Market Transformation Programme). Brussels, 2011.


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